• Head of Research Group: Prof. Gábor PRÓSZÉKY
  • Members of the Group: Dr. Attila Zoltán NOVÁK, Dr. Borbála NOVÁK, Dr. Zijian Győző YANG, Dr. László János LAKI, Mram KAHLA, Kamran IBIYEV
  • Contact: proszeky.gabor@itk.ppke.hu
  • The Language Technology Research Group of PPKE ITK is primarily, but not exclusively, engaged in the creation of neural models of Hungarian and other languages (currently: Arabic and Azerbaijani), fine-tuning of transformer models for different tasks and creating the necessary text corpora for them. With the help of an agreement with the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics the high-capacity computer background required for the above mentioned solutions is provided by the Research centre's Institute of Language Technology and Applied Linguistics.

Main research areas of our Language Technology Research Group.